I have the miserable and dreaded flu virus that is sweeping the nation. It is not much fun at all. It is misery on many levels. The silver lining is that it has given this writer time to think. January has been extremely busy. I blinked and next week we hit February.
As I have been pondering I have been strolling down memory lane with the aid of photos. A lot of photos from my seminary years.
I loved seminary. Those were some amazing years. It isn't that we did anything extraordinary. It was the people. God gifted me with cousins just an easy peasy 3 hour drive south. Right in town though was a group of friends that I cherish today. So much kindness, laughter and friendship.
Getting back to my cousins, they are wonderful people and not just because we are family. They are genuinely nice people. It is an awesome thing when your family members become your friends. They did.
Back to bed for me. This virus has stolen what little energy I had. I crave sleep.
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