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Words to Die By

Mortality is not something most of us like to ponder, but dying is something that happens to all of us. For many it will be a shock and happen at a most unexpected time. Others will get to live a long life and peacefully die at home in bed.

As I ponder my own mortality I can't help but want to write about it. I am a writer after all. What words do I want to leave behind? What last piece of advice do I want to share with the world? For some reason our culture places a big emphasis on last words as if they are more profound than anything else.

I want my daughter to know that my love for her is so deep she can't imagine.  After salvation she is the most wonderful gift I have ever been given.  No matter what my love will never change.  Into infinity, into Heaven I love her.  I want her to live a life that honors Christ and has a positive impact on eternity.  To know the joy of a deep and intimate relationship with Christ our Savior. I want her to work hard, to set goals and achieve them.  To laugh daily even on the sad, stressful, crazy days. Laughter is a gift we give ourselves and each other.  Find a husband, marriage is fun, hard and the best when you choose a mate who puts Christ first. Be a good friend & be surrounded by a tribe of good people.

On NCIS Gibbs has life rules he lives by. At last count there were 51 (but some numbers are repeated and others don't have a rule).  I have a few of my own.

1. Life is serious but don't take it too seriously.

2. Live where you want to live and don't judge others.  If you are happy in a tent, trailer, bungalow, castle live there and make it your home.  Be comfortable in your space.  It is your space and no one outside of immediate family has to live there.  Quit justifying your choice if you like it.

3. Live the life you want.  If you want to travel and see the world in person go for it.  If you are content seeing the world through pictures be content. If you want a manual labor job get one.  If you want an office job get one. If you want to be your own boss go for it.  Make your own choices.

4. Work hard. Wherever you work give your employer your best each day.

5. Take days off.  Use your vacation time! It is yours.  It doesn't make you lazy.  It is imperative for your mental health.  You will be a better employee if you are a relaxed employee.

6. Embrace your family and friends.  Be loyal to them.  Be trustworthy. Be kind. Don't take advantage of their kindness. Spend quality time.  When you are with them be with them.

7. Sometimes you just need to put the electronics down! I love my phone and camera, but there is life without them.  I had a childhood without electronics. It was nice.  Give that gift to your children.  Have electronic free days.

8. Get outside.  Nature is God's canvas. It is beautiful, it is fun, it is therapeutic. Get out! Even just to sit on a chair or hammock.

9. Be kind. Say hello to strangers. Donate your time, genius, money, blood, organs whatever you have share it.  You can't take it with you when you die.

10. Realize things are just that, things. Enjoy your stuff but don't be so attached that losing them is the proverbial "end of the world".

11. Joy. Embrace joy.  Joy is not happiness or exuberance. Though both those can express joy.  Joy is deeper. Joy withstands circumstances. Joy is connected to peace and assurance. It is faith in God that He is faithful.

And finally the most important rule.

12. Seek Christ. Ask the hard questions. Go on a journey.  Test. Don't rule Him out because you can't see God or you rationally don't think it makes sense.  Seek Him.  You will find that He is true. He is real. He is the only way. He loves you. Choose Him. It is the only choice that affects your eternity and eternity is a long time.


There you have it.  My rules for life. What are your rules? What do you want your legacy to be?  We are all going to die someday. When our bodies give up how do we want to be remembered? Think about it, pray about it and then live a life that reflects it for however many days, weeks, years you are given.


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