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Spring Break 2019

As parents we all fight battles we don't tell people about. We have failings that we don't want to admit to and we hate that God sees them. We screw up and try to hide it from our children, friends and families, from our co-workers and bosses. I'm not talking about illegal activities, just personal failures that we wish we could undue.

If as adults we have times where we fail ourselves, shouldn't we be more understanding of our children? Shouldn't we remember that the are not just little adults, but young people still figuring out a world that we haven't figured out yet?

I have to remind myself of this on a daily basis. That my Snowflake is still little. She's only been on this earth for a short time and in that short time she hasn't had the opportunity to learn everything yet. So I exert patience. I try to make moments teachable and not all about punishment. Consequences yes, but natural ones. If she makes a mess I don't get mad, but I do hand her the broom or a towel. Just like when I make a mess I have to clean it up. If she asks for help I help her just like I'd want from someone else.

Patience and natural consequences are my method of parenting and the reliable "Treat others as you want to be treated." That all goes a long way.

Right now though I am struggling with whining. Whining and fake crying. Oy vey! It doesn't get her what she wants, but having to survive it. I know that with time it will disappear because she will learn that it doesn't get the result she wants. Whining at 4 isn't the solution, at 7 or at 35. It just isn't a good idea, so hopefully it will leave our home ASAP.

In other news, we went on a family vacation for Snowflake's Spring Break! We traveled to Wisconsin to see my sis and her family. We spent time in Minnesota with other family. We drove past a slew of flooded areas. Please join me in praying for those affected by the flooding, it is bad. If you can, volunteer or send money to help those afflicted by too much water.

While in Minnesota Snowflake and I spent 2 nights in the Maple Grove Holiday Inn (it has a waterpark) while Mom and Dad were with some long time friends. Snowflake and I took advantage of relaxing and fun Mommy and daughter time and I took ZERO photos while at the waterpark! For those that don't know me, I am a shutterbug! My memory (due to head trauma) is horrendous so I take zillions of photos, to make up for my lack of memory. I took lots of photos elsewhere, but the waterpark was just for us. It was great! Maybe the highlight of the trip (and we saw wonderful family in Wisconsin and had a blast, plus we went to Lambeau Field during the 100th year celebration, so lots of marvelous memories that I wouldn't trade away, but the mom/daughter time was fun, silly, wet and wonderful).


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