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My Overactive Dream Life

Well I slept a little bit after 430 this morning because I had a crazy dream.  I think what this dream taught me is maybe less CSI:Miami & NCIS on Hulu before falling asleep.

Snowflake and I were home,  but in a different home.  A modular 650 square foot house.  It had a wrap around front porch with a porch swing. The house was a cozy log cabin. Out back (to the north) were the Big Horn Mountains and out front (south facing) was a view of the Atlantic Ocean (dream geography is fun).

To our east about 1000 feet away was my best friend Crystal and her family.  They lived in a smaller scale Brady Bunch looking house painted to resemble a candy cane. 

To my west my closest neighbor was half a mile away.  It  was Sam Hannah from NCIS:Los Angeles. Next to him were the Baxters from Last Man Standing. 

Back to my house,  Snowflake and I are inside.  I'm doing homework for my last class of med school before I become a resident.  Snowflake is making Chicken Parmigiana, a cheesecake and a salad. 

It is a quiet,  homey evening when we get a knock on our door. Horatio Cane and McGee are there.  They have a pre arrest warrant for me. 

"The state of Finlandia has been ordered to issue this pre arrest warrant. You are charged with making animal noises when reading to your child at the library on September 42, 2032. You entitled to your choice of attorney, but must present yourself at the dungeon on Monday October 15, 2032 before 10:10am. Signed, President of Finlandia Jed Bartlett  on October 11, 2032"

McGee is very apologetic.  I thank them and close the door.  I then grab my shoe to make a phone call.  I call my attorney. Deb is not available but she recommends someone and sends him out. It is Harm from JAG. He is accompanied by Tom Selleck. 

We talk about the pre arrest warrant while Snowflake gets dinner on the table.  We discuss that the adult part of the library in Wyomintonia and only the children's part is in Finlandia. If I can get Horatio and his team to prove I was in the adult section then I didn't break any laws. 

Sam Hannah and Gibbs knock on my door.  They decide if we can't prove where I was they can help me escape on the Cloudsdale Highway (think Underground Railroad) to Montana which has no extradition with Finlandia.

I call Horatio and he promises to view the security tapes.  A bit later my shoe rings,  I pick it up seeing it is Horatio and I wake up.

Like I said,  I have an active dream life. Enjoy and have a blessed weekend. Snowflake and I will be busy getting over her croup and my cold, but we will be enjoying the changing of the season as Autumn sends the leaves to blanket there ground before the snows of Winter add their icy chill. 


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