Some days I feel like I am doing quite well. My daughter is feeling good and well behaved. She listens and makes good choices. Parenting is fun.
Then there are the days she hits and kicks and throws tantrums like she is trying to earn a gold medal in tantrums. Those days I feel like I am failing at this mother game.
At school she is kind, helpful and wants to learn. I guess that is a good barometer that maybe I'm doing some things right.
During the hard days I have to remind myself that she is 6. She is allowed to be a little kid. She loves little kid things.
She is helpful and independent. She is tall and likes to use her height to get into things. She is a typical kid. She loves to be silly and tells horrible non funny jokes that crack her up and her laughter is infectious. She is 6.
Today is mostly a good day. She chose her own outfit and dressed herself. She made her own lunch (Easy Mac and ice cream. I was in bed with achy joints after church). Her choices may not be the most fashionable or healthy but they show her growth and independence.
Parenting is a journey. It is learning when to hold on and when to let go. It is wanting to always get it right but knowing you won't and being ok with that because while your child is growing and learning so are you.
Parenting comes down to love. Loving yourself and your offspring and wanting to give your best so they turn into great humans who care for others.
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