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I Want Better

You tell me I'm a "Deplorable" because I support Capitalism. You tell me I am dumb and backward and anti-choice because I support adoption, abstinence and condoms. You call me heartless when I want secure borders. You ridicule and mock my religion that is based on love and forgiveness. You scream that I'm killing the globe when I throw away my trash. That is just fine. You say you want equal rights, so do I.

 It is fine because I want more for my daughter. I want more than bread lines and government issued food. I want more for her than the guilt, cancer risks and infertility risks of abortion. I want more than allowing terrorists, rapists, drug dealers and child predators into my country (we have enough already). I want more for my daughter than a faith built on chaos and chance. I support a God who loves, forgives, guides and offers a joy filled eternity. I want a clean earth, I'm all for recycling, but I want more for my daughter than spending all of our precious time together recycling when we could be playing, jogging or reading. I want balance. If wanting more and better for my daughter that what we have now is "deplorable" to you, than I am ok with being a "Deplorable".

Capitalism is what built this country. Capitalism is having malls, Targets, Wal-Marts and "Mom and Pop" shops to visit. It is the consumer deciding what should be on the store shelves. Socialism is having just one store and the government deciding what that store offers and how much of it each family can have. Capitalism gives ME the power.

You mock my Christianity and yet you elect officials whose religion and life is based on a faith that says to behead infidels (anyone who disagrees with them or who sins in "disgusting ways"). How does Islam promote equal rights? It doesn't. Yet, it is my faith. The faith in God who promotes love, kindness and grace for sin that you mock. I want better for my daughter. I want her to know her faith is sacred and to be able to practice it in a way that shows the truth to others.

Do you despise Trump? In a socialistic society Trump could come to power and keep it till he dies. In our society he has 8 years (10 max, in rare cases). I want my daughter to continue to have the ability to have a say in who her elected officials are.

Do you hate the prices you pay at the doctor's office, for health insurance, for emergency care? In Socialism you may not have to pay those during your visit, but your regular tax to the government will be what you spend the majority of your money on. You think the 30% you pay now is awful? Imagine giving the government 70% of your paycheck. Yeah, it means less to the doctor, but if you are a typical person, the government comes out ahead and you not only gave the government your money you removed the motivation from you doctor to give you top notch care. Yes, doctors should always strive to give 100% to each patient, but in Socialism the doctor gets a paycheck from the government regardless if you get better or not. And the lines.Oh boy! The Lines! They are long. Care is prioritized and not in your favor generally. You've given up your power, your say, your voice. And a LOT of your money.

I want more for my daughter. I want her doctors to be motivated, energetic and excited to help her be her healthiest self. That comes from Capitalism, from doctors competing for my money.

I want my daughter to have clean oceans, clean mountains, clean air. I want her to motivated to work hard. I want her to value her faith. I want her to be kind to others. I want the best for her and I see that happening not through the lies, shattered dreams and poverty of Socialism (in any of its government implemented forms) but through our form or Democracy, through the power to the people of Capitalism, through the truth of Jesus in the Bible.


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