We all by now know that abortion is not healthcare. Abortion is the deliberate ending of a human life. Abortion is offered so that women don't have to raise the child they created. For a plethora of reasons the mom doesn't want to have to parent the child.
Maybe she thinks she is too poor. Maybe she thinks she has too many. Maybe she feels she is too young. Maybe she doesn't want to do it as a single parent. Maybe she thinks not raising the child will lessen the trauma of the rape that created the child. Maybe she thinks having the child will kill her. Maybe she isn't ready to face a child with special needs.
Abortion happens so that a child isn't born. That's the truth. When we strip away all the language that providers use: fetal tissue, product of conception (POC), fetus, blob, the euphemisms go on and on. The truth is an abortion is happening so later on a child doesn't show up.
We say it is about the woman's rights. Why should she have to walk around as an incubator for 40 weeks, when she didn't want the child in the first place!?! Why should Mom have to carry the child when she was raped, or even worse, if she is a 12 year old victim of incest? How dare we force her to continue the pregnancy!
Wait 5 years and that victim could be the mom of a beautiful child.
In all the noise of female rights we forget about the other life, or we discard because life isn't valued in our world anymore. There are 8 billion after all, and more created every hour! A few sacrificed on the alter of convenience don't matter!
We say, it doesn't matter because they can't feel a thing! They don't know they are getting killed. Abortion is ok because taken out of the womb at that date they can't survive. Who cares that just mere weeks later the baby could survive with help (just as all children need, just as you and I needed as infants).
This is my soapbox.
If you've had one, I still love you. I'm not here to judge your past choices, just as I don't want to be judged on mine. Just know that I will fight to protect the life of all littles. I will fight for senior rights. For churches to serve the poor, the needy. To remember widows and orphans.
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