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A Mother's Nightmare

Last night I should have slept and slept well. The night before I only managed a few hours of sleep because my child only managed a few hours of sleep, and yes she is on meds. She gets lots of exercise. I do my best to make sure she eats healthy meals and we've cut out gluten and many artificial dyes. We use essential oils and do all the right things, she just isn't a sleeper, but we will find what works so my child can rest. That isn't the point of today's post.

My close friends know that I have a very active imagination (it is why I love to write). My imagination is most active during the sleeping hours and I have pretty decent recall of my crazy dreams. Last night was a doozy.

I dreamt that I was living in Lynchburg, VA. I was a professor of history at Liberty. I taught 3 classes. United States History- Native American history, United States History- Through the Eyes of Writers, and World History- An Overview of Ancient Egypt. Pretty cool classes I'd say! Snowflake was a first grader at Liberty Christian Academy (she attended free of charge due to my job, not sure if that is actually a thing, but in my dream it was). Her best friends were two girls, Ramona and Addy (short for Adeline). The girls called themselves, "We are the Oreo cookie friends, because that's what we look like! Two dark brunettes and a blond"

I was in charge of taking the girls to school (we all lived in condos in the same complex in Forest, VA). It was Thursday March 13 and sunny and warm. We left about seven am. The girls started school at 8:15. We arrived on campus by 7:30 am. So, the girls had 45 minutes (I had an 8:00 am class and wanted some office time) before class. They asked to go to the indoor walking track. I said, "Sure". Liberty was a safe campus and most staff knew the "Oreo Friends" and how inseparable they were.

At 8:30 my phone rang, but I had left it in my office. My policy. I never brought my phone to my lectures. A message was left on it. At 8:45 an LCA secretary came into my classroom. I instructed the class to discuss what we had been going over and went to meet with her. "Jessie, Snowflake never arrived at class. Nether did Ramona or Addy. Are they sick? We can't get in touch with any parents."

"No. They were fine. At about 7:30 they went to the indoor track to walk and probably be goofy. They promised they would head your direction at 8:00 when the doors opened."

This was common as everything was connected by tunnels (either below or above ground), there was security and like I said, everyone knew the girls. Liberty and Thomas Road Baptist Church were their playground. They loved visiting people.

"Strange. The girls always show up, and it is strange that no other parents are answering."

"I'll call the campus security officers and see what is going on." I replied.

I did just that, the girls hadn't been by their offices, nor were they at the school. I headed to the campus security precinct and we watched the security videos. We saw the girls leave my office and head to the indoor track. At 7:55 they left the track and we saw them heading toward their school. About a third of the way to the school there is a blind spot and they never reappeared. The girls were gone!

Officer Natrona (Zeke) and I followed their route, stopping at the blind spot. Trying to figure out where they would go. We saw a utility door and tried it. It was a closet. We saw three backpacks on the floor and their clothes. So either the girls were naked or in different outfits. Zeke used his radio to get others to come and the closet was declared a crime scene. We left and walked outside. About an eighth of a mile away was a small (30 car) parking lot, out houses and a small park with trees, benches and the like. At the bench We spotted one of Ramona's sandals.

I was scared. I called my bff Crystal and my good friend Lynette. Lynette was FBI. "Lynette, I know this right now is just missing persons, but it is Snowflake! I need your help. Please. Snowflake, Ramona and Addy are missing. Their backpacks and clothes were in a utility closet and one of the girl's sandals is by a park bench. I'm scared. Something's happened to my girl!"

Three horrific hours later Crystal was already at my house and Lynette was there with her partner, another friend, Erin. I gave my statement again, they talked with the local cops and the FBI was on the case.

Two days and still nothing. I couldn't sleep. I was on break from work. I was a mess. Pacing the condo, staring at my phone just waiting for the ransom call that never came. A week went by and still nothing. The girls were just GONE! POOF!!!

12 days and FINALLY my phone rand, I thought, "Now some leads. Now some news. I can get my girl back and have her safe." I went to answer the phone and woke up.

And the first thing I did when I woke up was to go check on my daughter, safe and sound in her bed, surrounded by her stuffed animals and Duke, her guard cat (who I honestly believe would die protecting her. He isn't thrilled when I get between them). The second thing I did was to make sure everything in the house was locked up.

And after praying I tried to sleep but couldn't. That silly dream has me rattled. I didn't even want to let her go to school, but she needed to and I need to work and life goes on after dreams. She is in Christ's care when she is with me and when she isn't.

May the God who protects also by the God you turn to for salvation, hope, peace and joy. Let's have a great day and find ways to serve our Lord with gladness, nightmares or not. Today is the day He has given us.


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