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Nine Lives

So in August we sadly bid adieu to our little grey cat.  Duchess. Duchess joined our family not long after we moved to Cowboy Town. 

Duchess and my old cat Queenie quickly bonded. Which is a shock since Queenie wasn't the friendliest of cats. She was a diffident queen, set in her ways.

Sadly, Queenie got sick in 2014 and went to cat Heaven.  So later that year Duke joined our family. 

He was a mischievous,  energetic, silly and curious kitty. He has grown into a sweet,  adventurous,  fun cat.  He and Duchess are mostly sweet to each other and definitely bonded.

For the last few years the 4 of us have been very happy together.  Duchess was more my cat and Duke is Snowflake's cat.

So imagine my horror, sadness and shock to find Duchess escaped last month.  I was going to post about when early 1 morning, 24 hours after her disappearance when I am taking out the trash and find her dead on my deck.

Before Snowflake wakes up I bury her,  to give me time to figure out what to tell my sweet child.

Well, we grieve and Duke is the cat version of misery. He doesn't knew what to do with out his mate.  So I do what makes sense.  We adopted Shaylee Elina .

Shaylee Elina is fun and Duke settles down and seems much happier.  We are a happy 4 creature family.  It is the right size family. 

Plot twist!!!!

My friend who runs the shelter sends me a text message. DUCHESS IS AT THE SHELTER!!!

Ummm... no. She is buried by my shed in a protected spot. Curious I go to the shelter. It is a female, grey cat with no teeth. Microchip is me.

I'm shocked but excited. Who else has a cat who seemingly comes back from the grave???

Turns out in those early morning hours I did NOT bury Duchess but her doppelganger.  And Duchess went on an adventure through the country. 

My grey cat truly has 9 lives. I wonder which life she is on. 

Duke was excited to see her.  They are still best mates.  She and Elina are slowly bonding and we are a 3 cat family it seems. 

An improbable way to end Summer 2018 and partly why I am not blogging 3x's a week like I want. 


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