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Storms and Forgiveness

Last night a storm blew through town. 65 mile per hour wind gusts, pounding rain and reports of huge balls of hail north of town.  It moved through quickly but left its mark.  At my house the mark was drowned tree limbs and the glass on my storm door broke.

My Saturday morning was spent cleaning up.  Cleaning up tiny shards of glass from a wooden deck is not my first idea of how to spend a lovely Saturday morning. Yet I did it because I wanted to protect my family from getting hurt and messes require clean up before growing into even bigger ones. 

That is true of emotional storms as well. Many of the storms I've endured have required work in order to move on. It isn't always fun or easy, but cleaning up the emotional mess in our lives helps us move forward and protects our loved ones.

If you don't deal with the glass shards of fear, shame, guilt, & unforgiveness your loved ones are at risk from a short temper, an inability to take care of them and more. If we are ignoring our inner selves we are not at our best to help others. 

The hardest clean up job I have found is forgiveness.  Truly forgiving is HARD. I want to hold on to my anger, I want to feel justified by I'm not. Knowing I need to forgive and let go, knowing I need to leave things with God where they belong, knowing this and not doing it is sinful. 

So as hard as it is to forgive I need to get over myself and do it. I need to show my daughter the joy of forgiving and how it opens us up to peace and comfort. 

So as summer winds down, as kids across the country are going back to school I am going to make sure I clean up any unforgiveness in my life, so that just as I worked to make my deck nice and safe once more, my soul is also cleaned up.


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