Last night was rough at our house. The Snowflake girl did not want to behave and had to have consequences. Even at 6.5 years old she struggles to connect that consequences are for things she already did, not what she may or may not do in the future. I do my best to let the consequences match the behavior. So, she fell asleep mad at Mommy after crying herself to sleep because she was mad that after throwing things they had to go up on the closet shelf. There is a reason the Bible warns us to not let the sun go down on our anger. Snowflake is a prime example of why God through Paul warns us to fix things before we go to sleep. This morning was a continuation of last night. She didn't want to get up, she refused to eat breakfast, she refused to get dressed till 5 minutes before her school bell was going to ring. When I say refused, she didn't say "No Thank You". She had an all out tantrum. Hitting, kicking, it was not a pretty sight. She eventually got dressed and we...
I am a single mom, Cheesehead, teacher, counselor, sister, daughter, aunt and friend. I strive daily to focus on joy and see the positive and the silly in the moments.