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When You Want to Yell, Hug Instead

For unto us a child was born.  Unto us a SAVIOR was given.  Christmas and Easter go hand in hand. The baby in the manger grew up to be the perfect Son of God, the Lamb without blemish who allowed Himself to be our reconciliation to God.  He died and He rose again! Happy Easter and Hossanah!

Growing up our Savior was perfect.  He obeyed perfectly. Mary and Joseph asked Him to do something, He did it. His chores were done quickly and Mary could nap knowing Jesus would not cause trouble. 

My child on the other hand.  Let's just say she resembles Adam and Eve more than Christ.  You want an example? Sunday is a good example. 

Yesterday we made it to church and then Snowflake had earned a ticket for being super helpful all day Saturday.  She redeemed it for lunch at McDonald's after church. We went.

While there my head started to really hurt and BAM! Just like that the aura before the migraine.  Add on the early stages of a child developing.  I was one not feeling good, tired mom.

We arrived home and I knew I wasn't long for the awake world.  I was miserable.  We went over ground rules and picked out a movie.  Snowflake promised to behave.  I crashed into my bed and set a 20 minute alarm. 

Don't let this sweet face fool you.  This brain is full of creative and naughty mischief. I digress. 
I crashed in my bed for 20 minutes of down time.  I awake to a sweet face, "Mommy I'm sorry. " That is NOT a phrase I like to hear.  In our house that means trouble already happened and I am about to walk into the aftermath of Hurricane Snowflake.  
The first thing my sick, post nap brain noticed was color.  My daughter looked like she was covered in paint
 I knew that to be false. Paint of ANY kind is locked up in the shed.  I couldn't figure out what it was.  
"I am really sorry Mommy. "
"Oh no! What did you do?" My heart dropped to my feet. The theme from Jaws played in my head. It would have been the perfect soundtrack.  
I quickly but with dread made my way to the living room.  Once there I found myself at the scene of the crime.  My desk which I inherited from my Grandma abd love had been attacked by the viscious wood destroying forces of a 6 year old and food coloring.  
Through hard work, internet research and experimentation it has been deduced that food coloring does NOT leave wood once it is applied. 
I have never been so furious! My child willfully disobeyed and destroyed something dear to me.  Oh I was mad.  She KNEW what she did was against the rules we had gone over.  
Yes there were consequences. 
Thankfully Jesus never did anything like this.  He was the perfect Lamb.  He never sinned but on that torturous cross Jesus was naked but for each of our sins  He took my consequences so that one day when I stand before God and Her judges me I am sinless, covered in Christ's love, forgiven.  
Every sin of mine, of you, of Snowflake is paid for.  
That is what Christmas is about, the beginning of Christ doing what He must so that on Easter we celebrate the fulfillment and our forgiveness.

You know what I did after I recovered from the shock of the crime scene? I hugged my child.  I wanted to call military schools, but I hugged her and reminded her I loved her, but that there were still consequences.  
I am trying to reflect Christ.  He paid the way for us to go to Heaven, but that doesn't take away our Earthly consequences.  Good loves us too much to let us go without discipline.  Even so, He hugs is as He whispers, "Hopefully this is all you need in order to learn to do right." 

When you are angry and want to call up the ROTC try hugging the offender. Love involves discipline but also gentleness. And remember, Easter means our sins are forgiven! Amen! 


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